Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de rhyme

to rhymerimar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I rhymeyo rimo
you rhymetú rimas
he rhymesél rima
she rhymesella rima
we rhymenosotros rimamos
you rhymevosotros rimáis
they rhymeellos riman
they rhymeellas riman

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I rhymedyo rimé
you rhymedtú rimaste
he rhymedél rimó
she rhymedella rimó
we rhymednosotros rimamos
you rhymedvosotros rimasteis
they rhymedellos rimaron
they rhymedellas rimaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have rhymedyo he rimado
you have rhymedtú has rimado
he has rhymedél ha rimado
she has rhymedella ha rimado
we have rhymednosotros hemos rimado
you have rhymedvosotros habéis rimado
they have rhymedellos han rimado
they have rhymedellas han rimado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had rhymedyo había rimado
you had rhymedtú habías rimado
he had rhymedél había rimado
she had rhymedella había rimado
we had rhymednosotros habíamos rimado
you had rhymedvosotros habíais rimado
they had rhymedellos habían rimado
they had rhymedellas habían rimado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will rhymeyo rimaré
you will rhymetú rimarás
he will rhymeél rimará
she will rhymeella rimará
we will rhymenosotros rimaremos
you will rhymevosotros rimaréis
they will rhymeellos rimarán
they will rhymeellas rimarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have rhymedyo habré rimado
you will have rhymedtú habrás rimado
he will have rhymedél habrá rimado
she will have rhymedella habrá rimado
we will have rhymednosotros habremos rimado
you will have rhymedvosotros habréis rimado
they will have rhymedellos habrán rimado
they will have rhymedellas habrán rimado

I would rhymeyo rimaría
you would rhymetú rimarías
he would rhymeél rimaría
she would rhymeella rimaría
we would rhymenosotros rimaríamos
you would rhymevosotros rimaríais
they would rhymeellos rimarían
they would rhymeellas rimarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have rhymedyo habría rimado
you would have rhymedtú habrías rimado
he would have rhymedél habría rimado
she would have rhymedella habría rimado
we would have rhymednosotros habríamos rimado
you would have rhymedvosotros habríais rimado
they would have rhymedellos habrían rimado
they would have rhymedellas habrían rimado

Participio presenteAnotado
rhyming rimando

Participio pasadoAnotado
rhymed rimado

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